Accuser in Detroit Pistons sex scandal breaks silence: Rob Murphy harassed and assaulted me

Detroit Free Press
For more than a year, DeJanai Raska kept quiet about the powerful man she says used his position to turn her into his sexual target: fired Detroit Pistons executive Rob Murphy, a beloved hometown figure revered for turning his hardscrabble background into a success story in the world of professional basketball.

But behind closed doors, Raska says, this celebrated Detroiter who rose to assistant general manager of the Pistons, sexually harassed her for months while she was his executive assistant. She said he groped her private parts in front of her 4-year-old daughter, grabbed her buttocks multiple times, subjected her to unwanted kissing, often told her she aroused him and said he wanted to “put a baby in her.”

Murphy also tried to force her to have sex, she says, but she managed to push him off of her as he held her down on a bed.

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